

    Photovoltaic Industry

    We help with the intelligent manufacturing, digital transform and upgrade of photovoltaic industry. We help to establish industry sustainability in its fast expansion.

    Pain Points

    1、Low Defect Detection Efficiency

    Vision Inspection is needed for identifying defects through appearances and EL during the manufacturing of PV products. The traditional “equipment plus human” inspection method is low in accuracy and efficiency, and high in result deviation.

    2、Difficulty in Power Stations O&M

    Being widely distributed and high in number, PV power stations lack a unified mgmt. platform. Info. flow is sluggish, the human O&M cost is high, and efficiency low.

    3、High Labor Costs

    The industry competition is fierce and the enterprises’ concern increasingly about the unit cost. Recruitment, however, is difficult, high in cost with high turnover rate.

    4、High Requirement on Production Process Control

    The fast development of PV industry requires higher efficiency and better cost and quality control. More stringent production process mgmt. is needed.



    User Value


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