双链-供应链协同解决方案 东智™工业应用智能平台 - 打造数字化工厂,让工业更智慧!


Solution for Dual Chain-Supply Chain Coordination

Focus on the core supply chain sections of “research-production-supply-sales-service”, develop and integrate the SRM, PLM, CRM, and more mgmt. systems

Pain Points

1、High Marketization Costs

To understand customers’ demands necessitates the marketization and digitalization of products, so as to produce large-scale personalized products, to quickly complete product definition and verification, to shorten product development time and to reduce trial costs

2、Data Analysis, Production Capacity Optimization

The horizontal and vertical integration of manufacturing necessitates the digitalization of production processes to improve its capacity of making personalized products and to improve product qualities.

3、Integrate Resources, Improve Efficiency

The complete and efficient logistics and supply chain system necessitates digitalization to integrate resources, improve efficiency and prevent risks.

4、Accurate Promotion

The omnichannel reach, precise interaction and trading necessitates the digitalization of promotion to connect enterprises and customers, to increase the efficiency of marketing resources and to reduce promotion costs.



User Value


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