one-stop data intelligent platform that focuses on industrial big data, and helps enterprises with data aggregation, data development and data governance, and finally provides data service
1、Difficulty in Data Collection
Weak ability in industrial equipment data collection, operation and management data not visible and not available
2、Data Criteria Not Unified
Data criterion not unified between systems, difficulty in implementing digitalization
3、Poor Data Timeliness
The time lag of data collection cannot meet development demands
4、Low Data Reuse Capabilities
The demand of process synchronization cannot be met by the single dimensional data analysis and application of a single business system
Aggregate, connect, process and cleanse the multi-source heterogeneous data through data development platform to form enterprise data assets
Unify data criteria, define metrics and objects and establish metric and labelling systems through data asset mgmt. platform to achieve unified data criteria
Establish data service API through data service platform to provide enterprises with data reuse abilities
Run modelling on the data of product, craft, quality and supply chain through visualized data platform or industrial modelling mgmt. platform to realize data value